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A course in automation!

A#nbsp;course in#nbsp;automation!

We#nbsp;continue our constant work to#nbsp;minimize manual labor.⠀

One example of#nbsp;automation is#nbsp;the use of#nbsp;machines for taphole opening and closing and the use of#nbsp;hydraulic machines equipped with an#nbsp;automation system and position sensors.

Last year, we#nbsp;purchased a#nbsp;TMT machine, manufactured by#nbsp;TMT Austria, for automatically opening blast holes and discharge of#nbsp;slag and matte at#nbsp;the ore-thermal furnace No. 2 of#nbsp;the Zhezkazgan Copper Smelter.

Also, these machines are equipped with modern oil stations, a#nbsp;system of#nbsp;hydro accumulators, which are filled with gaseous nitrogen, which together makes it#nbsp;possible, when external power sources are turned off, to#nbsp;complete the discharge of#nbsp;matte and slag within an#nbsp;hour after a#nbsp;power failure, close the blast holes and move the machines to#nbsp;a#nbsp;safe distance.

All this allowed us#nbsp;to#nbsp;eliminate the contact of#nbsp;people in#nbsp;the danger zone, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;to#nbsp;reduce human labor in#nbsp;the process.