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The Prime Minister visited the Zhezkazgan Copper Smelter of Kazakhmys Smelting on a working visit.

The Prime Minister visited the Zhezkazgan Copper Smelter of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Smelting on#nbsp;a#nbsp;working visit.

Smailov Alikhan visited the Smelting Shop of#nbsp;Zhezkazgan Copper Smelter, and also a#nbsp;working meeting was held at#nbsp;the improvised site in#nbsp;the Copper Refining Shop. At#nbsp;the meeting, the Chairman of#nbsp;the Board of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Corporation LLP Nurakhmet Nuriyev made a#nbsp;report on#nbsp;the results of#nbsp;the company’s past work and plans for 2023.

At#nbsp;the meeting, issues of#nbsp;the ongoing social policy and a#nbsp;set of#nbsp;further plans to#nbsp;improve the quality of#nbsp;life of#nbsp;workers and the population were discussed.

The Prime Minister supported social initiatives and expressed readiness for dialogue and interaction.