Occupational Safety and Health

Collective weight loss.

Collective weight loss. In May 2023, the "Other Me" weight loss competition started in a team format. The employees of the Partnership were divided into teams of 5 people, the first weigh-in was carried out, and after 3 months in August there will be a control weigh-in that will determine the winners, that is, the team that has lost the maximum total weight. Participants of the best team will be awarded memorable valuable prizes.

In June 2023, the Partnership, with the support of the Administrations of the two cities of Balkhash and Zhezkazgan held a mass run "CUPRUM RUN 2023", which was attended by employees of the Partnership and residents of the city. In total, more than 500 runners took part in the races, commemorative prizes were awarded to the absolute record holders and commemorative medals to all finishers. According to the regulations, the participants were given 1 hour to cover the entire distance (5 and 10 km), however, most of the runners completed this distance much earlier.

In July, the corporate online race "Kazakhmys Around the World" starts, where, according to the terms of the competition, all participants will run a total distance of 40,000 km (circumference of the earth). To participate, you only need a smartphone with a free application installed, and absolutely all employees of the Partnership can take part in the competition. The most active participants will be awarded memorable valuable prizes.

Also, two contests were announced before the end of the year: "The Best OSLP Video" and "The Best OSLP Proposal", the authors of the best works will be awarded with monetary incentives.
Sport events