Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational medicine includes coordinating work to protect the health of employees of Kazakhmys Smelting LLP and the practical implementation of means and methods for strengthening...

Occupational medicine includes coordinating work to#nbsp;protect the health of#nbsp;employees of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Smelting LLP and the practical implementation of#nbsp;means and methods for strengthening and maintaining health.

Kazakhmys Smelting LLP implements measures aimed at#nbsp;improving activities in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;occupational medicine.

In#nbsp;order to#nbsp;reduce the growth of#nbsp;occupational diseases at#nbsp;the enterprises of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Smelting LLP, a#nbsp;selection is#nbsp;carried out for professional suitability when hiring and transferring employees to#nbsp;another job in#nbsp;accordance with the developed "Regulations for the interaction of#nbsp;structural divisions of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Group companies when hiring and transferring for another job based on#nbsp;the results of#nbsp;research work on#nbsp;the criteria for professional selection and professional suitability of#nbsp;employees of#nbsp;mining and metallurgical enterprises with the calculation of#nbsp;safe length of#nbsp;service". The issuance of#nbsp;referrals and opinions on#nbsp;the Partnership is#nbsp;carried out in#nbsp;accordance with the requirements of#nbsp;the Regulations on#nbsp;research and safety experience for 24 professions.

In#nbsp;2024, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;planned to#nbsp;train paramedics to#nbsp;provide first aid to#nbsp;victims at#nbsp;work.

Also, in#nbsp;order to#nbsp;reduce the growth of#nbsp;morbidity, measures have been developed aimed at#nbsp;reducing occupational and general morbidity in#nbsp;the structural divisions of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Smelting LLP for 2023. Constant control and monitoring of#nbsp;the implementation of#nbsp;measures for the structural divisions of#nbsp;the Partnership are carried out.
Occupational medicine