News & Events

As part of the celebration of the World Day of Labor Protection, competitions were held among the employees of the Partnership during the month.

As#nbsp;part of#nbsp;the celebration of#nbsp;the World Day of#nbsp;Labor Protection, competitions were held among the employees of#nbsp;the Partnership during the month.

There were 4 competitions in#nbsp;total:

—#nbsp;Competition of#nbsp;children’s drawings "Safety#nbsp;— through the Eyes of#nbsp;Children";

—#nbsp;Competition "The Best Proposal for the Improvement of#nbsp;Occupational Health and Safety";

#nbsp;— Competition "Best Video";

—#nbsp;Competition "The Best Worker on#nbsp;Occupational Health and Safety".

More than 180 works took part in#nbsp;the competition of#nbsp;children’s drawings, the best works were awarded cash prizes, and all works were encouraged by#nbsp;prizes for participation.

In#nbsp;the competition "Best Video" the first place was taken by#nbsp;the electrician of#nbsp;the Anode Area of#nbsp;Smelting Shop of#nbsp;Balkhash Copper Smelter Beisembaev A. Honorary prize-winning places were taken videos of#nbsp;Bostybaev K., Zhanbershin Sh., Kulbayev A., Musin K., Satybaldy Zh.

In#nbsp;the competition "The Best Proposal for the Improvement of#nbsp;Occupational Health and Safety", the 1st place was taken by#nbsp;the proposal of#nbsp;Solovyov D., the 2nd place#nbsp;— Zhakselekov T., the 3rd place#nbsp;— Karibayev A.

Sanakbek A., Orazbekov Zh., Doskenov Zh., Nemtsev E., Smagulov D. were awarded in#nbsp;the competition "Best Worker".

Congratulations to#nbsp;all winners!