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The overhaul of the Vanyukov Furnace-1 complex has been completed!

The overhaul of#nbsp;the Vanyukov Furnace-1 complex has been completed!

From May 2, 2023, the VF-1 complex of#nbsp;the Copper Smelting Shop of#nbsp;Balkhash Copper Smelter was stopped for overhaul. Traditionally, large-scale repairs were managed by#nbsp;the headquarters headed by#nbsp;the Director of#nbsp;Copper Smelting Shop Yerbol Aibekov and the head of#nbsp;the Copper Smelting Shop Baitas Suleimenov. The metallurgists completed all the repair work within 35 days and put the complex into operation.

Repair work was carried out by#nbsp;various structural divisions of#nbsp;the Corporation and contractors.

The design and estimate documentation for the overhaul of#nbsp;the VF-1 unit was developed by#nbsp;the Design Center of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Smelting LLP, headed by#nbsp;Yuri Nikulichev.

The main overhaul was carried out within 30 days, for another five days we#nbsp;put the PV-1 on#nbsp;warm-up before launch. And in#nbsp;view of#nbsp;the high complexity of#nbsp;the project, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;the large volume of#nbsp;construction and installation work, he#nbsp;was under control of#nbsp;the plant management around the clock. The main scope of#nbsp;work consisted in#nbsp;the complete replacement of#nbsp;the waste gas boiler, the replacement of#nbsp;most of#nbsp;the water-cooling elements and the restoration of#nbsp;the refractory lining of#nbsp;the unit. All this had to#nbsp;be#nbsp;done in#nbsp;a#nbsp;very short time, during the shutdown of#nbsp;the unit#nbsp;— the Vanyukov furnace.

Accordingly, a#nbsp;high professional approach of#nbsp;all Balkhash Copper Smelter engineering and technical workers was required when planning repair work and taking into account risks during these works,#nbsp;— explained Baitas Suleimenov, Head of#nbsp;the Balkhash Copper Smelter.

A#nbsp;major overhaul was carried out to#nbsp;restore the working capacity of#nbsp;the furnace, i.e. the service life is#nbsp;extended. The frequency of#nbsp;repairs is#nbsp;18 months or#nbsp;1.5 years.

Taking this opportunity, we#nbsp;would like to#nbsp;thank all the employees of#nbsp;Balkhash Copper Smelter, Repair-Assembly Plant of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Corporation and AAE Engineering LLP, who took part in#nbsp;the overhaul!