Occupational Safety and Health

The Partnership is constantly working on the timely provision of personal protective equipment and overalls.

The Partnership is constantly working on the timely provision of personal protective equipment and overalls.

This year, work has been carried out to change the design of overalls for all structural divisions of the Partnership, which, in turn, is aimed at the quality of the material and convenience when performing any work operations. The design of special clothing for both the engineering and technical workers and the working staff has been approved. After conducting production tests of these types of overalls, work will be carried out to select a supplier of a single comprehensive service for overalls and personal protective equipment on a competitive basis. Based on the results of production tests, it is planned to introduce a pilot project at the Kazkat Plant at the Zhezkazgan industrial site.

Audits are carried out on working conditions and the personal protective equipment and overalls to fully cover the existing problems in the quality and proper use of overalls and PPE.
Personal protection and overalls