Kazakhmys Smelting continues to#nbsp;support a#nbsp;healthy lifestyle and popularize running in#nbsp;the cities of#nbsp;our presence. On#nbsp;June 25, the first marathon for workers, residents and guests of#nbsp;the city took place. Holding CUPRUM RUN will become our annual tradition!
The first race started for sports fans in#nbsp;a#nbsp;solemn atmosphere near the Palace of#nbsp;Culture of#nbsp;Metallurgists named after Magauya Khamzin.
In#nbsp;total, 257 people were registered for the marathon. Of#nbsp;these, 183 athletes ran the distance of#nbsp;5#nbsp;km, and 74 athletes ran 10#nbsp;km.
The absolute winner among men was Kessikbaev Darkhan, among women#nbsp;— Kuptsova Tatyana.
Not only Balkhash people took part in#nbsp;the marathon, but also guests from Almaty, Shymkent, Semey, Zhezkazgan, Karaganda.
All proceeds from donations will go#nbsp;to#nbsp;charity.
This ended the marathons organized by#nbsp;Kazakhmys Smelting. Thank you all for participating!