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The Vitriol Section of the Copper Refining Shop of the Balkhash Copper Smelter of Kazakhmys Smelting celebrated its 70th anniversary.

The Vitriol Section of#nbsp;the Copper Refining Shop of#nbsp;the Balkhash Copper Smelter of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Smelting celebrated its 70th anniversary. Over the years, the technologists of#nbsp;this section have produced more than 450 thousand tons of#nbsp;marketable products#nbsp;— copper vitriol.

The Vitriol Section began its history in#nbsp;1951, and 2 years later the first copper vitriol was produced. Since 1999, the area has been headed by#nbsp;Kaskabay Makhabayev, a#nbsp;full cavalier of#nbsp;the Enbek Dangy industry mark.

On#nbsp;the 70th anniversary of#nbsp;the site workers were congratulated by#nbsp;the heads of#nbsp;Kazakhmys Smelting, production veterans and guests of#nbsp;the holiday.

The sports part of#nbsp;the anniversary celebration was the most interesting and spectacular. The area and shop workers competed in#nbsp;raising a#nbsp;ram, archery, kettlebell lifting and tug of#nbsp;rope. Mini-football and table tennis tournaments were also held.

All festive events were accompanied by#nbsp;a#nbsp;concert program. Production veterans and winners of#nbsp;the sports competition were awarded with valuable gifts, diplomas and cash prizes.