In order to implement the Development Strategy of Occupational Safety and Labor Protection (OSLP) for the Partnership, the Central Safety Committee was established.
In#nbsp;order to#nbsp;implement the Development Strategy of#nbsp;Occupational Safety and Labor Protection (OSLP) for the Partnership, the Central Safety Committee was established.
The main role of#nbsp;the Committee is#nbsp;the strategic and operational management of#nbsp;the achievement of#nbsp;the goal of#nbsp;the Partnership in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;OSLP. The purpose of#nbsp;the Committee is#nbsp;to#nbsp;effectively coordinate the activities of#nbsp;subcommittees, structural divisions of#nbsp;the Partnership, the preparation of#nbsp;recommendations on#nbsp;strategic, operational and current issues in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;occupational health and safety.
To#nbsp;achieve the established goal, the Committee performs the following functions:
—#nbsp;Cascading goals and objectives, policies and strategies, work plans in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;OSLP, set by#nbsp;Kazakhmys Holding LLP, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;the formation and approval of#nbsp;their own annual, quarterly OSLP goals;